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Preparing Your Disabled Dog for Medical Checkups

Let’s face it, moving around for disabled dogs can be a challenge. Going on a trip or even just regular visits to the park usually takes more time and effort for both you and your furry friend. Going to the veterinary clinic for regular checkups is even more challenging if you are bringing them for the first time.

That said, visits to the veterinary clinic can be easy with proper preparation. If you play your cards right, it can even be a relaxing and fun activity for your disabled dog, as well as keep them healthy. Here are some tips to help you prepare your disabled dog for regular visits to the veterinary clinic.

Choosing the Right Veterinary Clinic

This is important for any dog disabled or not. It becomes more important for disabled dogs because you want to make sure the veterinarian is experienced in taking care of disabled dogs. the best way to start your search for a good veterinary clinic is through your friends and colleagues. Get referrals from people you know who also have disabled dogs. In choosing the right veterinary clinic check for the following:

  • Has the clinic been in operation long?
  • Do they have experience treating disabled pet patients?
  • Are the veterinary staff caring and accommodating, especially towards disabled pets?
  • Is it okay to call the clinic/veterinarian for any questions?
  • Does the veterinarian do house calls?
  • Is the clinic easily accessible not only in terms of the physical location but also when you need to call them in case of emergency.


Pre-Checkup Visit

When you have one or two clinics already in mind, schedule a visit to the clinic. This visit is not for your dog’s checkup yet. Think of this more as a greet and meet visit. Scheduling such a visit will give you an idea of how accommodating your prospective clinics are to disabled dog patients. The purpose of this pre-checkup visit is also to get your dog accustomed to the ritual of going to the veterinary clinic. It is also a good way for you to see how your dog relates to the people in the clinic.

  • Prepare your dog for the trip be making sure they have been bathed and cleaned before the trip.
  • Make sure they are well fed and hydrated a few hours before the trip.
  • Make sure they have also gone to the potty before the trip.
  • Prepare the items you need to take with you for the visit. This may include your dog’s wheelchair, some snacks and drink, blankets, favorite toys, etc.
  • Make the mood during trip to the clinic is happy and relaxing for both you and your dog.
  • Upon arriving at the clinic, give your dog time to take it all in. Let them sniff and look around to get them accustomed to the environment.
  • Introduce them to the staff and see how they relate to your dog and more important how you dog relates to them.
  • If possible let your dog meet the veterinarian who will take care of them as well. Again, see how they relate to your dog and again more important how you dog relates to them.
  • Don’t forget to let your dog say goodbye to everyone before leaving.
  • Upon reaching home show your dog how proud and happy you are about how they behaved by giving them a big hug or even better a nice treat.


In case you cannot find a clinic that will allow such a visit do this instead. Go to the clinic to make a schedule for your dog and bring him along with you when you do. This way you can do all the things already stated above except may be meet the veterinarian but who knows this could be possible as well.

If you and your dog are not happy with the experience. Check out other veterinary clinics. It is always a good idea to check out as many clinics as possible so you and your dog have more choices to choose from.

Going through this process will not only help you get your dog ready for the regular checkups. It will also give you a better idea if the veterinary clinic you just brought him to is the right one for your disabled dog.


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